Society is an ever-changing setting of public interaction, shaped by altering economic, political, cultural and social environments. The purpose of this website is to identify and explore these issues, providing a forum for informed debate on and a further understanding of the societies we live in.
Monthly archive August, 2014
Islam in Ireland: integration and education

Islam in Ireland: integration and education

Ireland’s Muslim community is relatively unique in Europe, in that the original influx of Muslims from abroad largely comprised of highly educated individuals and their families, for the most part coming to work in the Irish health service or other public sector positions. Unlike in other European states where most Muslims hailed from a particular...
Scottish independence: beyond identity

Scottish independence: beyond identity

In less than one month’s time Scotland will hold a referendum on independence from the United Kingdom. This referendum was initially expected to yield an easy victory for opponents of independence, and while opinion polls still indicate a lead for the “No” option in the independence debate (of varying strength) it has become clear that...
Housing: replacing the wobbly pillar

Housing: replacing the wobbly pillar

The recent election of Joan Burton as the 11th leader of the Labour party brings hope to its members of a change in the fortunes of their party which faced an electoral nightmare in the local and European elections. But comments made by Burton that ‘a Labour priority in the remainder of this Government’s term would...
European Integration and Popular Sentiment

European Integration and Popular Sentiment

Around the time of Jean Claude Junker’s nomination by the European Parliament to serve as President of the Commission, it could frequently be heard that Junker’s brand of euro-federalism was a sort of “relic”. Few believe any longer in the viability of the integrationist project, it was said, and Junker’s appointment served merely to demonstrate...