Society is an ever-changing setting of public interaction, shaped by altering economic, political, cultural and social environments. The purpose of this website is to identify and explore these issues, providing a forum for informed debate on and a further understanding of the societies we live in.
Posts tagged "Integration"
Integration v Assimilation: Flaws of Coerced Inclusion

Integration v Assimilation: Flaws of Coerced Inclusion

Last week, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the state of Switzerland had the right to oblige a pair of Muslim parents to send their daughters to mixed swimming lessons. While the parents had protested that the requirement to send their daughters to mixed swimming lessons violated Article 9 of the European Convention...
Parallelgesellschaften: Leicester Model and the Politics of Integration

Parallelgesellschaften: Leicester Model and the Politics of Integration

The terrorist bombings in Brussels and Paris in recent months have brought a strong and at times xenophobic edge to the continuing discussion on immigration and the integration of minorities in Europe. While previous articles on this website have focused on the migrant crisis, this article looks at issues with regards integration of migrants in...
Social Costs of Direct Provision

Social Costs of Direct Provision

A clear majority of Irish voters approve of the current Direct Provision policy towards asylum seekers [1]. Support for the policy is strong across all social classes, but is especially popular among DE voters, and, surprisingly, among young voters (18 to 34). Given such broad popular support for the current arrangement, it is unlikely that any change...
Islam in Ireland: integration and education

Islam in Ireland: integration and education

Ireland’s Muslim community is relatively unique in Europe, in that the original influx of Muslims from abroad largely comprised of highly educated individuals and their families, for the most part coming to work in the Irish health service or other public sector positions. Unlike in other European states where most Muslims hailed from a particular...
European Integration and Popular Sentiment

European Integration and Popular Sentiment

Around the time of Jean Claude Junker’s nomination by the European Parliament to serve as President of the Commission, it could frequently be heard that Junker’s brand of euro-federalism was a sort of “relic”. Few believe any longer in the viability of the integrationist project, it was said, and Junker’s appointment served merely to demonstrate...